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Linear Shock Wave Therapy (LSWT) is a new noninvasive therapy that uses low-intensity shock waves toinduce local angiogenesis promising modality in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED).

To evaluate the effectiveness of LSWT in men with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction (ED), in a Nisha Health Care Center. 

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Included 15 men aged 45-70 years, sexually active with mild and moderate vascular ED evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). The study was conducted in three stage: screening, treatment and results. Treatment stage: 4 weekly sessions LSWT (RENOVA ®) 5000 waves (.09mJ/mm(2)). Erectile function was assessed with IIEFF-EF, SEP (Sexual Encounter Profile) and GAQ (Global Assessment Questions) at one and six months after treatment. 

RESULTS: The rate of success was 80% (12/15). Patients with mild ED (6/15) 40% and moderate ED (9/15) 60%. We found a positive association between IIEF-Basal (average 14.23 pts) and IIEF at one month and six months after therapy (19.69 pts) a difference of 5.46 pts. 

CONCLUSIONS: The feasibility and tolerability of this treatment, and rehabilitation potential features, make it this an attractive new treatment option for patients with ED.